Why We Chose Bicycle Touring: A Long Journey Home

Over the past year, my partner and I have been traveling across America in our tiny little van, covering all 48 states. It has been an incredible adventure, but as we approached the end of our journey, we felt the need to finish it in an epic way. That's why we sold our van for a profit, flew over to London with our bikes, hopped on a tandem bicycle, and started planning our journey back home to Singapore. Why did we choose bicycle touring? Let us tell you.

Bicycle touring is a great way to see the world. It's cheap, economical, and environmentally friendly. As we cycled through Europe, we realized that we were experiencing the continent in a way that we wouldn't have been able to in a car or on a train. We were able to take in the sights, sounds, and smells of each place we visited, and meet people along the way. We also felt a sense of accomplishment as we covered distances under our own power.

There are several other reasons why we chose bicycle touring. One of them is the freedom it offers. When you're on a bike, you can go wherever you want, whenever you want. You're not tied to a schedule or restricted by transportation routes. You can also carry everything you need with you, which means you don't have to worry about packing and unpacking every time you move to a new place.

Another reason we chose bicycle touring is the physical challenge it presents. We've always been active people, but cycling long distances every day is a whole different level of fitness. We've had to train hard to prepare ourselves for the journey, and we're still pushing ourselves every day. But the feeling of accomplishment when we reach a new destination is worth it.

Bicycle touring also allows us to connect with nature. As we cycled through the European countryside, we were surrounded by green fields, rolling hills, and stunning vistas. We were able to take in the beauty of the natural world at our own pace, and appreciate it in a way that we wouldn't have been able to in a car.

But perhaps the most important reason why we chose bicycle touring is the sense of adventure it provides. There's something about setting off on a long journey with nothing but your own two legs to carry you that makes you feel alive. We're not just traveling from point A to point B – we're experiencing the world in a way that few people do.

Our journey is planning to last 9 months to a year, as we cycle through Europe, Asia, and eventually home to Singapore. It's going to be a challenging and rewarding experience, and we're excited to share it with you. Follow along on our YouTube or Instagram or on our blog for updates on our journey. We hope to inspire you to embark on your own adventure, whether it's on a bicycle or in some other way. Life is short – go out and see the world!


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