The Singaporean’s Guide to Building a Van

Singapore is awesome. But they don’t teach skills required to build a van.

Both Gracia and I went through the entire education system in Singapore; from Primary school, to Secondary school, to Junior College, (NS for Yee Jia), University, and lastly Grad school. But despite all that education, we didn’t even know how to use a simple power tool when we first started to build a van.

Many blogs and vloggers share a lot of van building information. But most of them skip the really basic and simple stuff as they assume the reader has prior and basic knowledge. Most Singaporeans don’t even know the difference between a bolt and a nut, and if you need to build a van, you need to know the very basic stuff!

Stick along with our blog, and we promise we will go step by step (and even take baby steps).

Here’s what you need to know

In this series, we teach you how to do everything you need to know. That includes

  • What tools do you need to build a van?

  • How do you use them?

  • What are the steps to building a van?

  • Where to buy everything?

If your dream is to live and build a van, you have to learn how to use a power tool! We figured it out by scrambling all over the internet, but we are going to condense everything we learnt over the past year into this blog for you!


Entering The USA