Our Favorite Cycles around the World

After cycling around the globe and being gifted with an array of enriching experiences. We found six destinations that emerged as the pinnacle of cycling bliss, offering the perfect blend of stunning scenery, cyclist-friendly infrastructure, and unforgettable memories.

1. New Zealand - A Symphony of Scenic Marvels

New Zealand, often hailed as the adventure capital of the world, stole our cyclist hearts for myriad reasons. From jaw-dropping landscapes to vineyard-dotted valleys, New Zealand provides an unparalleled visual feast. The weather, road quality, and the warm demeanor of drivers create an idyllic cycling environment. Factor in the exquisite local wines, and New Zealand becomes a symphony of scenic marvels for cyclists.

2. Thailand - Gastronomic and Scenic Pleasures

Thailand, with its sprawling roads, generous shoulders, and diverse landscapes, offers cyclists a sensory delight. The picturesque scenery ranges from lush greenery to tranquil beaches, providing a visual treat during the journey. Add to that the mouthwatering Thai cuisine, affordability, and the allure of sun-kissed beaches, and Thailand becomes a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation.

3. China - Cultural Immersion on Two Wheels

Cycling through China became an immersive journey into language and culture for us as Singaporean cyclists. The prevalence of e-bikes and dedicated lanes ensures safety on the roads, while the rich tapestry of Chinese cuisine and affordable prices make this destination a cyclist's dream. China offers an enriching cultural experience, creating lasting memories for those exploring its diverse landscapes.

4. Passau to Vienna - Cycling Elegance in Europe

Traversing the picturesque route from Passau to Vienna in Europe is like pedaling through a canvas of elegance. The flat terrain and well-paved paths make European cycling a joy, despite the relatively higher costs. Charming villages, breathtaking landscapes, and cyclist-friendly infrastructure make this journey a must-try for those seeking a taste of European elegance on two wheels.

5. The Balkans - Hilly Adventures and Heartwarming Encounters

The Balkans, with their undulating terrains and friendly locals, offer a challenging yet heartwarming cycling adventure. While the hills may pose a test of endurance, the affordability and cultural richness make it a memorable experience. Decent cycle lanes and the warmth of the people contribute to the Balkans' unique charm for cyclists.

6. Karakoram Highway - Himalayan Majesty on a Budget

Adding a thrilling Himalayan adventure to our list is the Karakoram Highway, a road less traveled but equally rewarding. Connecting Pakistan to China, this route boasts super affordable travel, well-maintained roads, and awe-inspiring views of the Himalayan peaks. Cycling through this region not only offers a sense of accomplishment but also provides a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of remote villages along the way.

In conclusion, our cycling journey around the world has unraveled a tapestry of destinations, each offering a unique blend of adventure, culture, and natural beauty. From the scenic wonders of New Zealand to the Himalayan majesty of the Karakoram Highway, these six destinations stand out as the ultimate cycling paradises, inviting enthusiasts to embark on their own two-wheeled adventures across the globe.


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