FAQs about Bike Touring in Singapore

Welcome to our country fellow bicycle travelers! Unlike many countries in the region, this country is vastly different from what you have experienced before in South East Asia. We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you make the most of your cycling experience while visiting our country to keep you safe.

Can I Cycle from Malaysia into Singapore?

Absolutely! Singapore only shares a land border with one country, Malaysia. When you cross into Singapore, ensure that you take the motorbike lanes through the checkpoints/ After getting into Singapore, follow the Park connectors and well-maintained cycling paths. As you pedal your way southward, you'll be able to enjoy beautiful green landscapes and picturesque waterfront views. The journey will take you through parks, residential areas, and even bustling neighborhoods, offering a unique perspective of the city's diverse urban fabric.

Can I wild camp in Singapore?

Unfortunately. No.

Can I Take Bikes on Public Transport?

No*. Unlike some countries where you can easily bring your bikes on public transportation, taking bicycles on buses and trains in Singapore is not allowed. This restriction is in place to ensure the comfort and safety of all commuters. However, don't let this discourage you from exploring the city on two wheels. Singapore boasts an extensive network of cycling paths and dedicated park connectors that make it convenient and enjoyable to get around on a bicycle.

*Unless it is a foldable bicycle under certain dimensions

Is It True That Chewing Gum Is Illegal in Singapore?

This is a commonly misunderstood fact about Singapore. While it's true that the sale and import of chewing gum were banned in the past due to issues of improper disposal causing public cleanliness problems, the ban has been lifted with certain restrictions. Chewing gum with therapeutic or dental benefits is now allowed to be sold in pharmacies, but it's still advisable to exercise caution and avoid littering.

Are There Any Rules I Should Be Aware of While Cycling in Singapore?

Yes, there are a few rules and regulations you should keep in mind while cycling in Singapore. Always wear a helmet for your safety, and ensure your bicycle is equipped with front and rear lights, especially if you plan to ride at night. Stay on designated cycling paths and park connectors whenever possible, as cycling on pedestrian walkways is not permitted. Remember to signal when changing lanes or turning, and always give way to pedestrians. Lastly, it's essential to obey traffic rules and signals, just as you would while driving a vehicle. That means following every single red light on the bicycle. A strict NO to cycling on highways too.


Stay away from Highways. Dispose of your gum properly. Do not litter and no wild camping! also, NO DRUGS! The death penalty is handed out in Singapore for possession of drugs.


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